论文查重 | 论文文献库 | 语篇视角下医学论文摘要的英译研究


来源:论文查重 时间:2019-09-11 16:24:19

摘要:该文从英语语篇的角度说明医学论文摘要英译时要重视句群关系的分析,只有从语篇的逻辑和语义角度对文本进 行整体考量,才能更加明确地传递原文信息,保证译文语言的流畅性和信息的准确性。该文作者利用医学论文摘要汉译 英的错误实例进行分析,强调医学论文摘要英译时应从语篇层面运用各种语言形式加强句与句之间信息的关联,以体现 汉语文本中隐性的逻辑关系。
1 引言
英语有六种文体:新闻报道、论述文、公文、叙述文、应用文 和科技文献。医学论文属于科技文献文体,其语言特征是“文 体质朴,语言浓缩;注重客观,描述精确;结构严密,主次分明; 逻辑性强,明晰流畅”(陈宏薇 1998:282)。其中的“主次分明” 即语言学上提到的主从关系清晰,“主从关系是用来表示一个 句子中不同层次的意思间的相互关系的机制,有了主从关系就 能更有效地把句子中处于次要层次的意思放在从属结构中,这 不但能使句子间的内在关系一目了然,也能使主句的重点突 出”(熊学亮 1999:124-126)。因此,我们在进行医学论文的英 文写作与翻译时,要重视句群关系的分析,从语篇的逻辑和语 义角度进行整体考量。
语篇是“语言在交际中,特别在书面交际中的对象和理想 单位。它不只是一连串句子和段落的集合,而是一个结构完 整、功能明确的语义统一体”(陈宏薇 1998:39)。英文原版期刊 中医学论文摘要的语篇特点可从以下研究方法的表述中窥见 一斑。
Method:In a prospective, double-blind, randomized trial, we assigned 308 patients with acute decompensated heart failure to re ceive furosemide administered intravenously by means of either a bolus every 12 hours or continuous infusion and at either a low dose (equivalent to the patient’s previous oral dose) or a high dose (2.5 times the previous oral dose). The protocol allowed specified dose adjustments after 48 hours. The coprimary end points were pa tients’global assessment of symptoms, quantified as the area under the curve (AUC) of the score on a visual-analogue scaleover the course of 72 hours and the change in the serum creatinine level from baseline to 72 hours. (N Engl. J Med. 2011; 364: 797-805. March 3 2011)
在这段介绍研究方法的叙述中,作者用“研究者”做主语搭 起了主结构,用非谓语动词 to receive, quantified as 和介词 by means of, at, on, over, in 将三层意思:1)研究的性质、人员和做 法;2)可以调整的剂量;3)评估和分析肌酐水平变化连接起来, 语言结构严密,主次分明,一气呵成。 再看结果的表述:
Conclusions:Among patients with acute decompensated heart failure, there were no significant differences in patients’global as sessment of symptoms or in the change in renal function when di uretic therapy was administered by bolus as compared with continu ous infusion or at a high dose as compared with a low dose.
英文只用了一句话就厘清了急性失代偿性心力衰竭病人 在使用利尿剂治疗时,病人的总体症状以及肾功能并不因不同 给药方式或者药物剂量不同而产生显著性差异,语言描述精确 流畅,语义层次分明,逻辑性极强。
比较而言,国内相当一部分医学杂志的论文摘要其英译文 本的语篇连贯性、逻辑性及连句成篇性很不理想,大多是依据 中文逐句译出的。因为忽视了英语重形合而汉语重意合的语 言特点,导致英译文本常常只是简单句的堆砌。虽然汉语中 “一个简单句就是一个表达思想的基本单位,每一个单句的意 义都是同等重要的,没有谁轻谁重之分。然而,实际上每个意 思的分量是不尽相同的。也就是说,有些意思是另外一些意思 的条件、原因、时间、前提或补充”(林建国1999:17),而这其中的 逻辑关系在英译文本中需要借助有别于汉语语篇的语言形式 来体现。
2 错误实例分析
2.1 主语选择错误
【例 1】方法:经鼓室注射 32、40、62g/L 三种不同浓度的 MTH溶液,分别于注射后、1.5、2小时断头取耳蜗,用糖皮质激 素单克隆抗体,采用免疫组化 SP 方法检测糖皮质激素受体 (GR)在豚鼠耳蜗中的表达。
Methods:MTH of three densities (32g/L,40g/L, and 62g/L) in jected the cavum tympani, do the operation of decapitation to get the cochlea in 1h, 1.5h, and 2h after injection. The expression of glucocorticoid receptor in caviacobaya’s aurisinterna was detected by immunohistochemistry with monoclonal antibody of glucocorti coid receptor.
研究方法是阐述研究者研究过程的线路图,描述时的路径 应该分清主次,突出重点,使信息之间的逻辑性一目了然。此 摘要部分的汉语原文仅用一句话表述了相关研究方法,其中心含义是通过断头术以获取耳蜗从而检测糖皮质激素受体的表 达。显然,原译文的主语选择有误,从整段的语意看,主语不可 能是注射的MTH溶液,应该是研究者注射溶液并采用断头术 取出耳蜗,检测GR表达。在确定好主语之后,再从英文搭配上 考虑谓语,就可确定内容之间的主从关系。英文主语确定的原 则之一是“必须是句中应该突出的信息”(陈宏薇 1998:165), 同时,科技英语文本多注重客观性,所以可以用“断头术”做 主语:
改译:The decapitation operation was performed to get the co chlea in 1h, 1.5h, and 2h respectively after the injection of MTH in three different concentrations through the cavita tympani so as to detect the expression of glucocorticoid receptor in cobaya’s tym panic cavity with monoclonal antibody of glucocorticoid by immu nohistochemistry method.
如果按部分国际学术期刊的要求,也可以以“研究者”作主 语,译为:
We performed the decapitation operation to get the cochlea in…
2.2 主语省译错误
【例2】方法:40只SD大鼠随机分为cuff 组和缝合组,每组 20只。分别采用改良cuff法和间断缝合法,建立大鼠颈外静脉 移植到同侧颈总动脉模型。
Methods: 40SD rats were randomly divided into the cuff group and the suture group, 20 rats in each group. Established the exter nal jugular vein graft to the ipsilateral common carotid artery model using cuff technique and the intermittent suture method in rats re spectively.
本段译文第一句结构没有错误,第二句却是个“没脑袋” 句,这是译者受汉语影响造成的翻译错误。汉语重意合,行文 中为了语句通顺,有些句子的主语可以或必须省略,“汉语是主 题显著的语言,它所突出的是主题而不是主语。而英语是主语 显著的语言,它所突出的是主语,除了省略句以外,每个英语句 子都必须有主语”(陈宏薇 1998:165)。这些汉语中省略的主 语是可以从语篇层面经过认真理解识别从而最终确定的。所 以,第二句的主语从意义上判断应是“研究者”,可以用“we”作 主语;研究者们将SD大鼠随机分为cuff 组和缝合组的目的,是 建立大鼠颈外静脉移植到同侧颈总动脉模型:
改译:We randomly assigned 40SD rats into cuff and suture groups, 20 in each, to establish a model of the external jugular vein graft to the ipsilateral common carotid artery with innovative cuff technique and the intermittent suture method in rats respectively.
或者从科技英语注重客观性角度考虑,选择句中应该突出 的信息为主语,这样可确定SD大鼠为主语,动词采用被动语态 形式:
Forty SD rats were randomly assigned into cuff and suture groups, 20 in each, to establish a model of the external jugular vein graft to the ipsilateral common carotid artery with innovative cuff technique and the intermittent suture method in rats respectively.
2.3 逻辑关系不明
【例 3】46 例经病理证实的直肠癌患者,术前接受 MRI 检 查,常规行横断面及矢状面 TSE T2WI,斜横断面 T2WI 检查。 分析肿瘤局部浸润深度及肿瘤下缘及肛缘间的曲线距离。结 果与手术病理对照。
Forty-six cases of pathologically confirmed rectal cancer were involved in this study. Routinely, axial and sagittal plane with TSE T2WI and oblique-axial T2 WI were acquired. The surrounding in filtration of tumor and the curve distance between the lesions and the anal margin were observed, then compared with that of opera tion and pathology.
译者使用了三个并列的简单句,使得每个句子显得都很重要,导致句与句所包含信息之间的关系不够明确,未呈现出其 中的逻辑关系。分析汉语文本可知,患者行MRI检查以获得相 应的检查数据,该数据结果还需要与病理结果进行对比,因此 采用主从复合句的结构进行翻译更合适一些:
改译:Pre-operative MRI was performed in 46 patients with pathologically confirmed rectal cancer to get axial and sagittal plane with TSE T2WI and oblique-axial T2 WI, which offered a de scription of the surrounding infiltration of tumor and the curve dis tance between the lesions and the anal margin, the result of which was compared then with that of the post-operative pathology.
2.4 句式选用错误
【例4】建立二乙基亚硝酸胺和N-亚硝酸吗啉联合诱导的 具有转移潜能的SD大鼠肝癌模型,应用HE染色,免疫组化、透 射电子显微镜手段描述VM现象。
Set up the male SD rat model with metastatic potential of di ethylnitrosamine (DEN) and N-nitrosomorpholine(NMOR) induced HCC. Use varied methods include hematoxylin-eosin staining, im munohistochemistry, transmission electron microscope to detect the formation of vasculogenic mimicry.
译文中使用了两个祈使句,显然不妥。英语的祈使句常用 于表达命令、请求、劝告、禁止等,汉语文本表述的信息是研究 者们是如何开展试验的,并不是命令或请求别人去做怎样的一 个实验。因此,译文中首先还是要确定主语为“我们”或“大鼠 模型”:
改译 1:We set up a male SD rat model with metastatic poten tial induced by diethylnitrosamine (DEN) and N-nitrosomorpholine (NMOR) and then applied methods of hematoxylin-eosin staining, immunohistochemistry, transmission electron microscope to detect the formation of vasculogenic mimicry.
改译 2:SD rat model was set up with metastatic potential in duced by diethylnitrosamine (DEN) and N-nitrosomorpholine (NMOR), and then methods of hematoxylin-eosin staining, immu nohistochemistry, transmission electron microscope were applied to detect the formation of vasculogenic mimicry.
相比较而言,译法2突显的是信息的客观性,而译法1在语 篇层面上其语言的流畅连贯性则更胜一筹。
2.5 分词使用失当
【例 5】MLT 联合 ATRA 作用于 NB4 细胞 24、48、72h 后,其 促 进 细 胞 的 凋 亡 率 为 16.23% ± 0.38%、31.03% ± 0.51% 和 55.65% ± 2.68%,细 胞 表 面 CD11b 的 阳 性 率 为 22.66% ± 0.36%......结论 MLT 和ATRA联合用药的作用优于单一用药。
After treated with MLT and ATRA together for 24, 48 and 72h, the ratio of apoptotic cell death was 16.23%±0.38%, 31.03% ± 0.51% and 55.65% ± 2.68%,the expression of CD11b was 22.66%±0.36%... Conclusion: Treated with MLT and ATRA of the cell cycle were more obvious than those treated with MLT or ATRA alone.
译文中选用了treat一词的分词结构作状语,其逻辑主语应 和主句的主语一致,但文本分析可知treat的逻辑主语应是pa tients,而主句的主语选用的是the ratio,可见分词结构的选用是 不恰当的,因此需要改译为:
The joint effect (combined medication) of MLT and ATRA on NB4 cell for 24, 48 and 72 hours evokes the apoptosis of the cell. The rates were 16.23% ± 0.38%, 31.03% ± 0.51% and 55.65% ± 2.68% respectively. The positive rate of the cell surface CD11b was 22.66%±0.36%.... Conclusion: The therapeutic efficacy of com bined medication is superior to that of the single medication.
3 翻译对策
在摘要翻译的过程中,通过分析确定文本中需要突出的信息,将该信息或研究者选做主语,搭起语句主结构,进一步识别 相关信息之间的主从关系,并采用一定的句式结构完成译文。
3.1 平行结构的使用
【例 6】常规分离小鼠白细胞,Fibronectin 黏附试验检测细 胞黏附能力并用结晶紫染色定量,Transwell 小室分析细胞迁 移,半定量 RT-PCR 分析白细胞介素-2(IL-2)及肿瘤坏死因 子-α(TNF-α)mRNA表达,ELISA法检测细胞培养上清中IL-2 及TNF-α浓度,凝胶阻滞实验分析白细胞内NF-kB 核内转移 情况。
从汉语语篇分析来看,研究方法中表述的中心信息是分离 小鼠白细胞,以便1)检测其细胞黏附力和细胞迁移情况;2)分 析IL-2和TNF-αmRNA表达;3)量化检测细胞培养上清中IL-2 及TNF-α浓度;4)通过凝胶阻滞实验分析白细胞内NF-kB核 内转移情况。翻译时,可用“研究者”作主语,搭起主结构,然后 采用四个动词不定式以平行结构形式进行翻译,这样译文阅读 起来清晰易懂:
译文:We extracted WBC from the mice in a regular way to study the cell adhesion and migration induced by fibronectin, to an alyze IL-2 and TNF-α mRNA expression by semi-quantitative RT-PCR, to quantify the secreted IL-2 and TNF-α in the superna tant of cultured WBC by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and to detect the NF-kB in WBC nucleus extract induced by IL3.
WBC was extracted from the mice in a regular way to study the cell adhesion and migration induced by fibronectin, to analyze IL-2 and TNF-α mRNA expression by semi-quantitative RT PCR., to quantify the secreted IL-2 and TNF-α in the supernatant of cultured WBC by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and to detect the NF-kB in WBC nucleus extract induced by IL3.
3.2 比较结构的使用
【例 7】可直接观察到 CTS-nHA 表面有较强的 BMP-2 表 达,CTS-nHA组新生骨组织中BMP-2表达的量比nHA组高峰 提前,在观察的各时间段CTS-nHA 组新生的骨组织均明显高 于nHA组和控制组(P0.05),至第10周时CTS-nHA组已形成 较成熟的板层骨组织,而nHA组网状编织骨间夹杂有较多的骨 痂基质。
摘要结果中所描述的数据通常是不同组间比较获得的,汉 语文本中或用比较的表述方法,或用分述的表述方法,译成英 文时均宜采用英语中常见的比较结构使得行文流畅,语篇中信 息关系紧密:
We observed that there was plenty of BMP-2 expression on the surface of CTA-nHA, with the BMP-2 expression in CTS-nHA group more abundant than that of nHA group and the peak of BMP- 2expressioninnewbonetissue of CTS-nHA group earlier than nHAand control groups. At each time period, the new bone tissue of CTS-nHA group was observed clearly higher than the other two groups (P0.05). At the tenth week, the new bone matrix in CTS nHA group has formed lamellar bone, and more bone matrix in the control group.
3.3 固定句型的使用
【例8】与正常组相比不同浓度的MTH鼓室内给药后糖皮 质激素受体在耳蜗各阳性部位的表达均明显增强,且同一时间 点浓度越高其受体表达越强,而同一浓度有在1.5小时时间点 表达最强,即在1.5小时取材点、62g/LMTH鼓室内给药后糖皮 质激素受体在豚鼠内耳中表达强度最大,其中在螺旋韧带和血 管纹的表达增强最大,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
科技论文摘要的结果及结论部分其行文常用如“与……相 比”“越……越……”等固定句式,译成英文时也宜采用 com pared with…, the more … the more…, with …等固定句型,以强化各部分信息之间的关联性和连贯性:
Compared with the normal group, the expression of glucocorti coid receptors was intensified in each positive part of the cochlea after the injection of MTH of different density through the cavum tympani. The more the density the stronger the expression at the same time point with the strongest in 1.5h in the same density, that is, the strongest expression occurred at 1.5h after the injection of MTH of62g / L, especially in spiral ligament and stria vascularis, which is of statistical significance (P<0.05).
3.4 同位语的使用
【例9】成功构建了具有肝内转移播散的SD大鼠诱发性肝 癌动物模型,在肝癌模型标本中观察到VM现象。分化级别低 的肝癌组织比分化级别高的肝癌组织中VM现象多见,两组阳 性率分别为 61.3%、8.3%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=9.752,P 0.05);在有肝内播散转移的肝癌组织标本中VM现象较无转移 的肝癌组织标本多见,VM 阳性率分别为60.7%、2.0%,差异有 统计学意义(χ2=6.508,P0.05)。
该语篇的逻辑关系应该是:在成功建立模型之后,研究者 们观察到VM现象,以及这种现象的研究意义,即VM现象阳性 率与肝癌组织分化级别高低以及与肝癌组织标本有无肝内转 移之间的关系。所以,可以用同位语将VM现象以及VM现象 的研究意义串接起来,并采用平行结构related to…, and to …与 with +O + having…结构厘清其中的逻辑关系:
Having successfully constructing a male SD rat model with metastatic potential induced by diethylnitrosamine (DEN) and N nitrosomorpholine (NMOR), we detected the phenomenon of vascu lagenic mimicry in HCC, a phenomenon related to the HCC differ entiation grade, with lower grade HCC having more VM (VM posi tive rate 61.3% vs 8.3%,χ2=9.752,P0.05), and to the HCC inva sion and intrahepatic metastasis, with HCC having more invasion and metastasis more VM (VM positive rate 60.7% vs2.0% , χ2= 6.508,P0.05).
【例10】观察组患者术后感染、深静脉血栓、脑脊液漏、神经 根粘连并发症低于对照组(P0.05); 观察组患者护理满意度得 分99.8分,高于对照组得分95.5分。
通过语篇分析,可知主干信息是:与对照组相比,观察组患 者并发症更低,护理满意度更高,其他内容为并发症以及满意 度的具体信息,因此,可以依据英语中括号内信息为具体的补 充性信息的特点,将文本中其他内容信息译出放置于括号内, 以突出重点信息,强化表述的连贯性:
Postoperatively, the experimental group had lower complica tions rate (infections, deep venous thrombosis, cerebrospinal fluid leakage, nerve root adhesion; P0.05), and higher satisfactory de gree (99.8vs 95.5) compared with the control group.
4 结束语
医学论文摘要是由几个句群组成的语篇,这些句子之间在 语义上有着显性的或内在的逻辑关系,在翻译过程中应不拘泥 于汉语文本的表述顺序及语句结构,在译文中进行必要的调 整,运用恰当的语句结构明确其中的逻辑关系,加强译文中句 群的衔接性、连贯性和逻辑性,达到准确传递信息的翻译目的。
